
黑石 블랙스톤

黑石 블랙스톤

黑石 블랙스톤-导演: 卢庚兑

黑石 블랙스톤-编剧: 卢庚兑

黑石 블랙스톤-主演: 李率求, 孙锡久, 元泰熙

黑石 블랙스톤-电影类型: 剧情片电影

黑石 블랙스톤-发布日期: 2016-03-28(韩国)

  《黑石 블랙스톤》于2016-03-28(韩国)上映。是由卢庚兑执导, 由卢庚兑担任主编, 演员李率求, 孙锡久, 元泰熙主演的《黑石 블랙스톤》是一部剧情类型电影。

  hile his parents slave away in an animal food factory in the Guro district of Seoul (once the cradle of the Korean economic wonder), Shon Sun, a half-blood, starts his military service in the army. There, Sun does not far much better – he is raped in his sleep by a superior and finds out he has been infected with HIV. Desperate, he takes revenge, kills the officer and flees the...



