
911:美国心脏 9/11: The Heartland Tapes

911:美国心脏 9/11: The Heartland Tapes

911:美国心脏 9/11: The Heartland Tapes-导演:

911:美国心脏 9/11: The Heartland Tapes-编剧:

911:美国心脏 9/11: The Heartland Tapes-主演:

911:美国心脏 9/11: The Heartland Tapes-电影类型: 纪录片电影

911:美国心脏 9/11: The Heartland Tapes-发布日期: 2013-09-08

  《911:美国心脏 9/11: The Heartland Tapes》于2013-09-08上的《911:美国心脏 9/11: The Heartland Tapes》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Across America, the morning of September 11, 2001 began routinely, with news and radio broadcasts sharing local human interest stories and traffic reports. But by 9:00 AM, the day's narrative had taken a tragic turn. Most of us are familiar with the national news coverage of 9/11, but the local reporting from TV and radio affiliates across the nation was no less important and n...

