
晶体管姐妹 Sisters with Transistors

晶体管姐妹 Sisters with Transistors

晶体管姐妹 Sisters with Transistors-导演: Lisa Rovner

晶体管姐妹 Sisters with Transistors-编剧:

晶体管姐妹 Sisters with Transistors-主演: 劳瑞·安德森, 宝琳·奥利维洛, Delia Derbyshire, Suzanne Ciani, Laurie Spiegel, Bebe Barron

晶体管姐妹 Sisters with Transistors-电影类型: 纪录片电影, 音乐片电影, 传记片电影

晶体管姐妹 Sisters with Transistors-发布日期: 2020-10-17(美国)

  《晶体管姐妹 Sisters with Transistors》于2020-10-17(美国)上映。是由Lisa Rovner执导, 演员劳瑞·安德森, 宝琳·奥利维洛, Delia Derbyshire等主演的《晶体管姐妹 Sisters with Transistors》是一部纪录片, 音乐, 传记类型电影。

  Think of early electronic music and you’ll likely see men pushing buttons, knobs, and boundaries. While electronic music is often perceived as a boys club, the truth is from the very beginning women have been integral in inventing the devices, techniques and tropes that would define the shape of sound for years to come. As one of the film’s subjects, Laurie Spiegel explains: “W...

