
杰克逊·波洛克 Jackson Pollock

杰克逊·波洛克 Jackson Pollock

杰克逊·波洛克 Jackson Pollock-导演: Kim Evans

杰克逊·波洛克 Jackson Pollock-编剧:

杰克逊·波洛克 Jackson Pollock-主演: Jackson Pollock, Elaine de Kooning, Lee Krasner

杰克逊·波洛克 Jackson Pollock-电影类型: 纪录片电影

杰克逊·波洛克 Jackson Pollock-发布日期: 1987

  《杰克逊·波洛克 Jackson Pollock》于1987上映。是由Kim Evans执导, 演员Jackson Pollock, Elaine de Kooning, Lee Krasner主演的《杰克逊·波洛克 Jackson Pollock》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Jackson Pollock is the most representative artist of the painting discipline known as Abstract Expressionism. He was the first american avant-garde artist with the same consideration of the critics as the contemporary great masters of Europe. This documentary shows a profile of the painter through the testimonies of the people who knew him and give us real images of his life an...



