
神圣的飞翔马戏团 Holy Flying Circus

神圣的飞翔马戏团 Holy Flying Circus

神圣的飞翔马戏团 Holy Flying Circus-导演: Owen Harris

神圣的飞翔马戏团 Holy Flying Circus-编剧: 托尼·罗什

神圣的飞翔马戏团 Holy Flying Circus-主演: Charles Edwards, 达伦·博伊德, Stephen Fry, 汤姆·费舍尔, Jason Thorpe

神圣的飞翔马戏团 Holy Flying Circus-电影类型: 喜剧片电影

神圣的飞翔马戏团 Holy Flying Circus-发布日期: 2011-10-11

  《神圣的飞翔马戏团 Holy Flying Circus》于2011-10-11上映。是由Owen Harris执导, 由托尼·罗什担任主编, 演员Charles Edwards, 达伦·博伊德, Stephen Fry等主演的《神圣的飞翔马戏团 Holy Flying Circus》是一部喜剧类型电影。

  In 1979, Monty Python made Life of Brian and the debate about what is an acceptable subject for comedy was blown wide open. This is a fantastical re-imagining of the build-up to the release of the film and the controversy it caused.

