
慌心旅行 Vacationland

慌心旅行 Vacationland

慌心旅行 Vacationland-导演: Todd Verow

慌心旅行 Vacationland-编剧:

慌心旅行 Vacationland-主演: Charles Ard, Theodore Bouloukos, Michael Dion

慌心旅行 Vacationland-电影类型: 剧情片电影

慌心旅行 Vacationland-发布日期: 2006-08-02

  《慌心旅行 Vacationland》于2006-08-02上映。是由Todd Verow执导, 演员Charles Ard, Theodore Bouloukos, Michael Dion主演的《慌心旅行 Vacationland》是一部剧情类型电影。

  The further removed from watching this film, the more chance I had to change my initial impressions of it. There was some very nice acting by Brad Hallowell--very impressive in his film debut and in the starring role,no less (and just an incredibly sexy, adorable guy). Gregory J. Lucas was also good as Andrew.
  The female roles were poorly cast/poorly written/poorly acted in som...

