
夜精灵的故事 Tales of the Night Fairies

夜精灵的故事 Tales of the Night Fairies

夜精灵的故事 Tales of the Night Fairies-导演: Shohini Ghosh

夜精灵的故事 Tales of the Night Fairies-编剧:

夜精灵的故事 Tales of the Night Fairies-主演:

夜精灵的故事 Tales of the Night Fairies-电影类型: 纪录片电影

夜精灵的故事 Tales of the Night Fairies-发布日期: 2002

  《夜精灵的故事 Tales of the Night Fairies》于2002上映。是由Shohini Ghosh执导的《夜精灵的故事 Tales of the Night Fairies》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Five sexworkers - four women and one man - along with the filmmaker/narrator embark on a journey of storytelling. Tales of the Night Fairies explores the power of collective organizing and resistance while reflecting upon contemporary debates around sexwork. The labyrinthine city of Kolkata (Calcutta) forms the backdrop for personal and musical journeys. This is NOT Born into B...

