
他们称我们为不合主流的人 Dom kallar oss mods

他们称我们为不合主流的人 Dom kallar oss mods

他们称我们为不合主流的人 Dom kallar oss mods-导演: Stefan Jarl, Jan Lindqvist

他们称我们为不合主流的人 Dom kallar oss mods-编剧: Stefan Jarl, Jan Lindqvist

他们称我们为不合主流的人 Dom kallar oss mods-主演: Kenneth 'Kenta' Gustafsson, Gustav 'Stoffe' Svensson

他们称我们为不合主流的人 Dom kallar oss mods-电影类型: 纪录片电影

他们称我们为不合主流的人 Dom kallar oss mods-发布日期: 1968-03-25(瑞典)

  《他们称我们为不合主流的人 Dom kallar oss mods》于1968-03-25(瑞典)上映。是由Stefan Jarl, Jan Lindqvist执导, 由Stefan Jarl, Jan Lindqvist担任主编, 演员Kenneth 'Kenta' Gustafsson, Gustav 'Stoffe' Svensson主演的《他们称我们为不合主流的人 Dom kallar oss mods》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  This is the story of "Kenta" & "Stoffe" and their friends. We get to follow
  them from when they're teenagers smoking dope and having fun. As the years
  pass "Stoffe" OD's on heroine and die ! "Kenta" get's of the heavy drugs
  while he still can. He is still with us.
  In the last one "Misfits To Yuppies", We get to meet their children who now
  is the age their parents was in the fir...



