
BBC: 庞培古城的存亡 Pompeii: Life & Death in a Roman Town

BBC: 庞培古城的存亡 Pompeii: Life & Death in a Roman Town

BBC: 庞培古城的存亡 Pompeii: Life & Death in a Roman Town-导演: Paul Elston

BBC: 庞培古城的存亡 Pompeii: Life & Death in a Roman Town-编剧:

BBC: 庞培古城的存亡 Pompeii: Life & Death in a Roman Town-主演: Mary Beard

BBC: 庞培古城的存亡 Pompeii: Life & Death in a Roman Town-电影类型: 纪录片电影, 历史片电影

BBC: 庞培古城的存亡 Pompeii: Life & Death in a Roman Town-发布日期: 2010-12-14

  《BBC: 庞培古城的存亡 Pompeii: Life & Death in a Roman Town》于2010-12-14上映。是由Paul Elston执导, 演员Mary Beard主演的《BBC: 庞培古城的存亡 Pompeii: Life & Death in a Roman Town》是一部纪录片, 历史类型电影。

  剑桥大学教授、庞培历史研究专家Mary Beard从非同寻常的发现中搜集新的资料,从另一个的视角,为我们展现维苏威火山灾难性喷发前,庞培居民的生活。
  Pompeii: one of the most famous volcanic eruptions in history. We know how its victims died, but this film sets out to answer another question - how did they live? Gleaning evidence from an extraordinary find, Cambridge professor and Pom...

