
带雨伞的男人 Det regnar på vår kärlek

  《带雨伞的男人 Det regnar på vår kärlek》于1946-11-09(瑞典)上映。是由英格玛·伯格曼执导, 由Oskar Braaten, Herbert Grevenius, 英格玛·伯格曼担任主编, 演员约迪丝·彼得松, 约斯塔·普吕塞柳斯, Gösta Qvist等主演的《带雨伞的男人 Det regnar på vår kärlek》是一部剧情, 爱情类型电影。

  Maggi meets David after having missed her train, and they spend the night together. Penniless, the young lovers break into a summer cottage. The owner, Håkansson, offers to rent it to them, but he has an ulterior motive. By living together, they have to face their pasts and deal with the meddling neighbors and authorities. Written by Will Gilbert

