
与瓦萨里同行 Travels with Vasari

与瓦萨里同行 Travels with Vasari

与瓦萨里同行 Travels with Vasari-导演: Phil Cairney

与瓦萨里同行 Travels with Vasari-编剧:

与瓦萨里同行 Travels with Vasari-主演: Andrew Graham-Dixon

与瓦萨里同行 Travels with Vasari-电影类型: 纪录片电影

与瓦萨里同行 Travels with Vasari-发布日期: 2008

  《与瓦萨里同行 Travels with Vasari》于2008上映。是由Phil Cairney执导, 演员Andrew Graham-Dixon主演的《与瓦萨里同行 Travels with Vasari》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  On a spectacular journey through Renaissance Italy, Andrew Graham-Dixon searches for the shadowy figure who wrote one of the most important books on art and looks at some dazzling works, including masterpieces of the early Renaissance by Giotto, Masaccio and Donatello. Giorgio Vasari was the grandaddy of all art critics, travelling Italy in the 16th century for his definitive L...

