
Paul McCartney: Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road

Paul McCartney: Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road

Paul McCartney: Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road-导演: Simon Hilton

Paul McCartney: Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road-编剧:

Paul McCartney: Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road-主演:

Paul McCartney: Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road-电影类型:

Paul McCartney: Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road-发布日期: 2006-02-27

  《Paul McCartney: Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road》于2006-02-27上映。是由Simon Hilton执导的《Paul McCartney: Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road》电影。

  PAUL MCCARTNEY: CHAOS AND CREATION AT ABBEY ROAD premiered on February 27, 2006 on PBS.
  In this unique concert, the legendary Paul McCartney returns to Studio 2 at London's Abbey Road Studios (where most of the Beatles' recordings were made) for a fascinating journey through his songwriting career, from his very first Beatles song to the work for his new album, CHAOS AND CREATI...



