
光影 Lumina

光影 Lumina

光影 Lumina-导演: Samuele Sestieri

光影 Lumina-编剧:

光影 Lumina-主演:

光影 Lumina-电影类型:

光影 Lumina-发布日期: 2020-11-29(意大利)

  《光影 Lumina》于2020-11-29(意大利)上映。是由Samuele Sestieri执导的《光影 Lumina》电影。

  A naked woman awakes on a deserted beach. After wandering around, she ends up in the ruins of an abandoned town. The living left long ago. In a tumbledown house she finds artefacts of existence: clothing, furniture, a record player and a telephone. The latter contains a young couple’s photos and videos. Arianna and Leonardo loved taking selfies and meticulously recorded their h...

