
我……做梦 I...Dreaming

我……做梦 I...Dreaming

我……做梦 I...Dreaming-导演: 斯坦·布拉哈格

我……做梦 I...Dreaming-编剧:

我……做梦 I...Dreaming-主演: 斯坦·布拉哈格, Bearthm Brakhage, Neowyn Brakhage, Rarc Brakhage

我……做梦 I...Dreaming-电影类型: 短片电影

我……做梦 I...Dreaming-发布日期: 2004-04-11

  《我……做梦 I...Dreaming》于2004-04-11上映。是由斯坦·布拉哈格执导, 演员斯坦·布拉哈格, Bearthm Brakhage, Neowyn Brakhage等主演的《我……做梦 I...Dreaming》是一部短片类型电影。

  Extremely autobiographical piece made during an intensely depressive period for the filmmaker after his divorce from Jane, his first wife, and separation from his five children. Brakhage calls it "a true, narrative, dramatic psychodrama". The film's background music is a piece which is a collage of brief phrases from various Stephen Foster songs whose common theme is loss. Brak...

