
麦道夫丑闻 The Madoff Affair

麦道夫丑闻 The Madoff Affair

麦道夫丑闻 The Madoff Affair-导演: Marcela Gaviria

麦道夫丑闻 The Madoff Affair-编剧:

麦道夫丑闻 The Madoff Affair-主演: Martin Smith

麦道夫丑闻 The Madoff Affair-电影类型: 纪录片电影

麦道夫丑闻 The Madoff Affair-发布日期: 2009

  《麦道夫丑闻 The Madoff Affair》于2009上映。是由Marcela Gaviria执导, 演员Martin Smith主演的《麦道夫丑闻 The Madoff Affair》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  n the mid-1960s, Bernard Madoff tapped money from Jewish businessmen at exclusive country clubs with the promise of steady guaranteed returns on their investments. He then set his sights on Europe and Latin America, brokering deals with powerful hedge fund managers and feeder funds from Buenos Aires to Geneva. Billions of dollars were channeled to Madoff’s investment firm, and ...

