
潜艇间谍战 Hell and High Water

  《潜艇间谍战 Hell and High Water》于1954-02-06上映。是由塞缪尔·富勒 Samuel Fuller执导, 由大卫·亨普斯特德, 塞缪尔·富勒担任主编, 演员艾希礼考恩, 亨利·库尔基, 内尔·发莫罗等主演的《潜艇间谍战 Hell and High Water》是一部剧情, 惊悚, 冒险类型电影。

  During the Cold War, a scientific team refits a Japanese submarine and hires an ex-Navy officer to find a secret Chinese atomic island base and prevent a Communist plot against America that could trigger WW3.

