
迷失的科伯特 Lost Cubert

迷失的科伯特 Lost Cubert

迷失的科伯特 Lost Cubert-导演: Felix Fischer, Jim Schmidt, Carolin Schramm

迷失的科伯特 Lost Cubert-编剧: Felix Fischer, Jim Schmidt, Carolin Schramm

迷失的科伯特 Lost Cubert-主演:

迷失的科伯特 Lost Cubert-电影类型: 动画片电影, 短片电影

迷失的科伯特 Lost Cubert-发布日期:

  《迷失的科伯特 Lost Cubert》是由Felix Fischer, Jim Schmidt, Carolin Schramm执导, 由Felix Fischer, Jim Schmidt, Carolin Schramm担任主编的《迷失的科伯特 Lost Cubert》是一部动画, 短片类型电影。

  Cubert’s life is determined by work. Endless repetitions of the same tasks, dull routines, a perfect construction of monotony. Suddenly he is wrenched out of his daily grind and is confronted with a seemingly inescapable system. His quest for an exit leads him deep into a labyrinth of monotony – and to the bounds of his sanity.

