
外套 Il cappotto

外套 Il cappotto

外套 Il cappotto-导演: 阿尔贝托·拉图瓦达

外套 Il cappotto-编剧: 阿尔贝托·拉图瓦达, Giorgio Prosperi

外套 Il cappotto-主演: 伦纳托·拉塞尔, Yvonne Sanson, Giulio Stival

外套 Il cappotto-电影类型: 剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 奇幻片电影

外套 Il cappotto-发布日期: 1952-10-03

  《外套 Il cappotto》于1952-10-03上映。是由阿尔贝托·拉图瓦达执导, 由阿尔贝托·拉图瓦达, Giorgio Prosperi担任主编, 演员伦纳托·拉塞尔, Yvonne Sanson, Giulio Stival主演的《外套 Il cappotto》是一部剧情, 喜剧, 奇幻类型电影。

  Based on Nikolai Gogol's story with the location changed from Russia to Italy and the time changed to the present (1952), the story is about a poor city-hall clerk (Renato Rascel) whose only desire is for a new overcoat. The town Mayor (Giulio Stival) is planning a reception for some visiting VIP's in honor of a new, wasteful piece of construction. The clerk bungles his assignm...



