
解碼達文西 Da Vinci Declassified

解碼達文西 Da Vinci Declassified

解碼達文西 Da Vinci Declassified-导演: David Carr, David Comtois

解碼達文西 Da Vinci Declassified-编剧:

解碼達文西 Da Vinci Declassified-主演:

解碼達文西 Da Vinci Declassified-电影类型:

解碼達文西 Da Vinci Declassified-发布日期: 2005-10-30

  《解碼達文西 Da Vinci Declassified》于2005-10-30上映。是由David Carr, David Comtois执导的《解碼達文西 Da Vinci Declassified》电影。

  Declassify the Da Vinci Code: investigate the myths, claims, conspiracy theories, truths, half-truths and downright lies. Where in history did Dan Brown get his ideas - and are they really more fact than myth?

