
陈查理在赛马场 Charlie Chan at the Race Track

陈查理在赛马场 Charlie Chan at the Race Track

陈查理在赛马场 Charlie Chan at the Race Track-导演: H. Bruce Humberstone

陈查理在赛马场 Charlie Chan at the Race Track-编剧: 厄尔·德尔·比格斯

陈查理在赛马场 Charlie Chan at the Race Track-主演:

陈查理在赛马场 Charlie Chan at the Race Track-电影类型: 喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影, 运动片电影

陈查理在赛马场 Charlie Chan at the Race Track-发布日期: 1936

  《陈查理在赛马场 Charlie Chan at the Race Track》于1936上映。是由H. Bruce Humberstone执导, 由厄尔·德尔·比格斯担任主编的《陈查理在赛马场 Charlie Chan at the Race Track》是一部喜剧, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪, 运动类型电影。

  While steaming from Honolulu to Los Angeles the owner of a prize racehorse headed for the Santa Anita Handicap is killed, apparently kicked to death by his stallion. Not so, deduces Charlie. Later he exposes efforts to fix a race at the famous track.



