
BBC 电影中的苏格兰 Scotland on Screen

BBC 电影中的苏格兰 Scotland on Screen

BBC 电影中的苏格兰 Scotland on Screen-导演: Pauline Law

BBC 电影中的苏格兰 Scotland on Screen-编剧: BBC

BBC 电影中的苏格兰 Scotland on Screen-主演: Alan Cumming

BBC 电影中的苏格兰 Scotland on Screen-电影类型: 纪录片电影

BBC 电影中的苏格兰 Scotland on Screen-发布日期: 2009

  《BBC 电影中的苏格兰 Scotland on Screen》于2009上映。是由Pauline Law执导, 由BBC担任主编, 演员Alan Cumming主演的《BBC 电影中的苏格兰 Scotland on Screen》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Scottish movie star Alan Cumming returns to his homeland to take a tour of the locations of some classic Scottish movies. He celebrates some of the weird and wonderful movies inspired by Scotland, such as The Wicker Man, which was filmed in Dumfries and Galloway.
  Film experts and actors, including Peter Mullen and David Hayman, compare the blockbusters Braveheart and Rob Roy, w...

