
桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london

桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london

桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london-导演: 大卫·威尔森

桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london-编剧:

桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london-主演: Dan Cruickshank

桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london-电影类型: 纪录片电影

桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london-发布日期: 2012-06-04(英国)

  《桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london》于2012-06-04(英国)上映。是由大卫·威尔森执导, 演员Dan Cruickshank主演的《桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Dan Cruickshank explores the mysteries and secrets of the bridges that have made London what it is. He uncovers stories of bronze-age relics emerging from the Vauxhall shore, of why London Bridge was falling down, of midnight corpses splashing beneath Waterloo Bridge, and above all, of the sublime ambition of London's bridge builders themselves.

