
改变世界的六度 Six Degrees Could Change the World

改变世界的六度 Six Degrees Could Change the World

改变世界的六度 Six Degrees Could Change the World-导演: Ron Bowman

改变世界的六度 Six Degrees Could Change the World-编剧:

改变世界的六度 Six Degrees Could Change the World-主演: 亚历克·鲍德温

改变世界的六度 Six Degrees Could Change the World-电影类型: 纪录片电影

改变世界的六度 Six Degrees Could Change the World-发布日期: 2008-02-10

  《改变世界的六度 Six Degrees Could Change the World》于2008-02-10上映。是由Ron Bowman执导, 演员亚历克·鲍德温主演的《改变世界的六度 Six Degrees Could Change the World》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  The film runs through the effect each degree in temperature change has on the world.

