
马姆洛克教授 Professor Mamlock

马姆洛克教授 Professor Mamlock

马姆洛克教授 Professor Mamlock-导演: Herbert Rappaport, Adolf Minkin

马姆洛克教授 Professor Mamlock-编剧: Friedrich Wolf

马姆洛克教授 Professor Mamlock-主演: 奥列格·扎科夫, Vladimir Chestnokov

马姆洛克教授 Professor Mamlock-电影类型: 剧情片电影

马姆洛克教授 Professor Mamlock-发布日期: 1938

  《马姆洛克教授 Professor Mamlock》于1938上映。是由Herbert Rappaport, Adolf Minkin执导, 由Friedrich Wolf担任主编, 演员奥列格·扎科夫, Vladimir Chestnokov主演的《马姆洛克教授 Professor Mamlock》是一部剧情类型电影。

  Professor Mamlock, a successful and respected Jewish surgeon, does his best to ignore the political crisis of the Weimar Republic. He is greatly troubled by the political tendencies of his son, Rolf, a passionate communist who is determined to resist the strengthening Nazi Party by all means. When the Nazis seize power and brutally crush all opposition, Mamlock is forced to lea...



