
大屠杀遗孀们 The Cemetery Club

大屠杀遗孀们 The Cemetery Club

大屠杀遗孀们 The Cemetery Club-导演: Tali Shemesh

大屠杀遗孀们 The Cemetery Club-编剧:

大屠杀遗孀们 The Cemetery Club-主演:

大屠杀遗孀们 The Cemetery Club-电影类型: 纪录片电影

大屠杀遗孀们 The Cemetery Club-发布日期: 2006-10-13

  《大屠杀遗孀们 The Cemetery Club》于2006-10-13上映。是由Tali Shemesh执导的《大屠杀遗孀们 The Cemetery Club》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  10 oclock, Saturday morning. A group of elderly women and men carry plastic lawn chairs across the Mount Herzl National Cemetery in Jerusalem. In the shade of an old pine tree, they sit down, in a circle and discuss matters sublime and elevated. For over two decades, the "Mt. Herzl Academy has held its weekly meeting at this cemetery. Seated between the graves of the nation's d...

