
帐篷,帐篷 Кош ба Кош

帐篷,帐篷 Кош ба Кош

帐篷,帐篷 Кош ба Кош-导演: 巴克迪亚·库唐纳扎洛夫

帐篷,帐篷 Кош ба Кош-编剧: 巴克迪亚·库唐纳扎洛夫, Leonid Makhkamov

帐篷,帐篷 Кош ба Кош-主演: 葆莉娜·格拉维兹

帐篷,帐篷 Кош ба Кош-电影类型: 剧情片电影

帐篷,帐篷 Кош ба Кош-发布日期: 1993-09-10(威尼斯电影节)

  《帐篷,帐篷 Кош ба Кош》于1993-09-10(威尼斯电影节)上映。是由巴克迪亚·库唐纳扎洛夫执导, 由巴克迪亚·库唐纳扎洛夫, Leonid Makhkamov担任主编, 演员葆莉娜·格拉维兹主演的《帐篷,帐篷 Кош ба Кош》是一部剧情类型电影。

  Undisturbed by the gunshots in the background and the corpse floating by on the muddy river, a motley group of men are gambling with their money as if there's no tomorrow. When Donai has no bills left, he wagers all of his possessions and valuables but loses them to Ibragim, who is not too thrilled about this turn of events. After all, the meager belongings in Donai's apartment...

