
惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン

惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン

惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン-导演: 粟津順

惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン-编剧: 粟津順

惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン-主演: 清水大, 笹原琢磨, 湯本あかね

惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン-电影类型: 科幻片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン-发布日期: 2005-10-16

  《惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン》于2005-10-16上映。是由粟津順执导, 由粟津順担任主编, 演员清水大, 笹原琢磨, 湯本あかね主演的《惑星大怪兽Negadon 惑星大怪獣ネガドン》是一部科幻, 动画, 短片类型电影。

  It is the near future, in the 100th year of Showa (year 2025). The population of world is more than 10 billion, and a world-class space development project called “Mars Terraforming Project” is in process. One day, a spaceship “Izanami” crashes in Japan on the way from Mars, and it revives the monster Negadon, which was captured by the spaceship. Can the human race knock down t...



