
压力:杀手的肖像 Killer Stress: A National Geographic Special

压力:杀手的肖像 Killer Stress: A National Geographic Special

压力:杀手的肖像 Killer Stress: A National Geographic Special-导演:

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压力:杀手的肖像 Killer Stress: A National Geographic Special-主演:

压力:杀手的肖像 Killer Stress: A National Geographic Special-电影类型: 纪录片电影

压力:杀手的肖像 Killer Stress: A National Geographic Special-发布日期:

  《压力:杀手的肖像 Killer Stress: A National Geographic Specia的《压力:杀手的肖像 Killer Stress: A National Geographic Special》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  The serially overworked already know that stress is a near-constant fixture in modern-day living. But to what degree is stress affecting our bodies -- and is there any way to healthfully combat it? With a focus on the work of Stanford University neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky, this National Geographic program looks at the latest science to see what researchers are learning abou...

