
恩宠之星 The Privileged Planet

恩宠之星 The Privileged Planet

恩宠之星 The Privileged Planet-导演: Ladd Allen, Wayne P. Allen

恩宠之星 The Privileged Planet-编剧: Wayne P. Allen, Guillermo Gonzalez, Jay Richards, Jonathan Witt

恩宠之星 The Privileged Planet-主演: 约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯, 托姆罗伯茨, Charles Beichman

恩宠之星 The Privileged Planet-电影类型: 纪录片电影

恩宠之星 The Privileged Planet-发布日期: 2004-10-05

  《恩宠之星 The Privileged Planet》于2004-10-05上映。是由Ladd Allen, Wayne P. Allen执导, 由Wayne P. Allen, Guillermo Gonzalez, Jay Richards等担任主编, 演员约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯, 托姆罗伯茨, Charles Beichman主演的《恩宠之星 The Privileged Planet》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  This 60-minute video documentary explores the conditions on Earth that allow for intelligent life and also make it a strangely well suited place for viewing and analyzing the universe.



