
历史上伤亡最大的珠峰雪崩 Discovery Channel - Everest Avalanche Tragedy

历史上伤亡最大的珠峰雪崩 Discovery Channel - Everest Avalanche Tragedy

历史上伤亡最大的珠峰雪崩 Discovery Channel - Everest Avalanche Tragedy-导演:

历史上伤亡最大的珠峰雪崩 Discovery Channel - Everest Avalanche Tragedy-编剧:

历史上伤亡最大的珠峰雪崩 Discovery Channel - Everest Avalanche Tragedy-主演: Joby Ogwyn, Garrett Madison, Todd Burleson

历史上伤亡最大的珠峰雪崩 Discovery Channel - Everest Avalanche Tragedy-电影类型: 纪录片电影

历史上伤亡最大的珠峰雪崩 Discovery Channel - Everest Avalanche Tragedy-发布日期:

  《历史上伤亡最大的珠峰雪崩 Discovery Channel - Everest Avalanche Tragedy》演员Joby Ogwyn, Garrett Madison, Todd Burleson主演的《历史上伤亡最大的珠峰雪崩 Discovery Channel - Everest Avalanche Tragedy》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  The documentary will feature highly emotional and real time footage, capturing the mobilization efforts of Sherpas and rescuers as they rushed to search for survivors. Through eyewitness accounts, viewers will hear from those who experienced this horrible tragedy and aftermath including sit down interviews with Joby Ogwyn; Expedition Leader Garrett Madison, who played a critica...

