
爱之溪流 Szerelempatak

爱之溪流 Szerelempatak

爱之溪流 Szerelempatak-导演: Ágnes Sós

爱之溪流 Szerelempatak-编剧: Ágnes Sós

爱之溪流 Szerelempatak-主演:

爱之溪流 Szerelempatak-电影类型: 纪录片电影

爱之溪流 Szerelempatak-发布日期:

  《爱之溪流 Szerelempatak》是由Ágnes Sós执导, 由Ágnes Sós担任主编的《爱之溪流 Szerelempatak》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Love and desire fill the minds of villagers in a Hungarian speaking village in Transylvania, Romania, even in their old age. Time has stood still here, and although most of the village's inhabitants are elderly, they are refreshingly young at heart. Feri, for example, is an incurable romantic. Way past his 80th year, he's still making moves on the village's 25 widows - although...

