
露西失去了她的马 Lucie perd son cheval

露西失去了她的马 Lucie perd son cheval

露西失去了她的马 Lucie perd son cheval-导演: 克劳德·施密茨

露西失去了她的马 Lucie perd son cheval-编剧: 克劳德·施密茨

露西失去了她的马 Lucie perd son cheval-主演: Lucie Debay , Hélène Bressiant

露西失去了她的马 Lucie perd son cheval-电影类型: 剧情

露西失去了她的马 Lucie perd son cheval-发布日期: 2021-09-07(比利时), 2022-01-26(鹿特丹电影节), 2022-07-05(马赛电影节)

  What is a knight without his horse? An actor without an audience? A mother without her child? Lucie is all of these things: a working mum and wandering knight, in a film that keeps changing its setting and tone. After a relaxing stay at her grandmother’s house, with whom she leaves her daughter, she suddenly discovers herself in full medieval armour amongst rolling hills. The a...



