
花衣魔笛手 The Pied Piper

花衣魔笛手 The Pied Piper

花衣魔笛手 The Pied Piper-导演: 威尔弗雷德·杰克逊

花衣魔笛手 The Pied Piper-编剧: Robert Browning, 特德·西尔斯, Webb Smith

花衣魔笛手 The Pied Piper-主演: Marion Darlington, Flossie Dunlap, George Gramlich, Harriette Haddon

花衣魔笛手 The Pied Piper-电影类型: 动画片电影, 短片电影, 歌舞片电影, 家庭片电影, 奇幻片电影

花衣魔笛手 The Pied Piper-发布日期: 1933-09-16

  《花衣魔笛手 The Pied Piper》于1933-09-16上映。是由威尔弗雷德·杰克逊执导, 由Robert Browning, 特德·西尔斯, Webb Smith担任主编, 演员Marion Darlington, Flossie Dunlap, George Gramlich等主演的《花衣魔笛手 The Pied Piper》是一部动画, 短片, 歌舞, 家庭, 奇幻类型电影。

  The people of Hamelin, overrun with rats, offer a bag of gold to anyone who can get rid of the rats. A piper offers to do the job, and successfully lures the rats into a mirage of cheese, which disappears. The citizens, disappointed that all he did was play a tune, offer only pocket change. The piper, angered, plays a new tune that has all the children of the city follow him, e...



