
丘吉尔-逝世50周年纪念 Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell

丘吉尔-逝世50周年纪念 Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell

丘吉尔-逝世50周年纪念 Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell-导演: John Hayes Fisher

丘吉尔-逝世50周年纪念 Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell-编剧: Jeremy Paxman

丘吉尔-逝世50周年纪念 Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell-主演: Jeremy Paxman

丘吉尔-逝世50周年纪念 Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell-电影类型: 纪录片电影, 历史片电影

丘吉尔-逝世50周年纪念 Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell-发布日期: 2015-01-28

  《丘吉尔-逝世50周年纪念 Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell》于2015-01-28上映。是由John Hayes Fisher执导, 由Jeremy Paxman担任主编, 演员Jeremy Paxman主演的《丘吉尔-逝世50周年纪念 Churchill: The Nation’s Farewell》是一部纪录片, 历史类型电影。

  This fascinating documentary will tell the story of that momentous day, 30 January 1965, when Britain laid its most famous statesman to rest.
  In the programme, Jeremy Paxman meets a wide range of people who were involved in the events of that day – from soldiers who bore the coffin, to members of Churchill’s family. He also hears from Boris Johnson, author of a new book on Chur...

