
Me and Will

Me and Will

Me and Will-导演: Melissa Behr, Sherrie Rose

Me and Will-编剧: Melissa Behr, 雪莉·萝丝

Me and Will-主演: Sherrie Rose, Jason Hall, Bret Domrose

Me and Will-电影类型: 剧情片电影

Me and Will-发布日期: 1999-10-19

  《Me and Will》于1999-10-19上映。是由Melissa Behr, Sherrie Rose执导, 由Melissa Behr, 雪莉·萝丝担任主编, 演员Sherrie Rose, Jason Hall, Bret Domrose主演的《Me and Will》是一部剧情类型电影。

  Jane and Will are familiar faces on the Los Angeles club scene. They meet officially at drug rehab after Jane OD'ed and Will crashed her motorcycle driving stoned. They hit it off immediately and escape the clinic to travel to Montana and find the bike from Easy Rider. Different from most road movies in that no'one gets murdered and no vengeance is reaped. On the contrary, the ...



