
临时起意的谋杀 The Impromptu Murder

临时起意的谋杀 The Impromptu Murder

临时起意的谋杀 The Impromptu Murder-导演: Paul Henreid

临时起意的谋杀 The Impromptu Murder-编剧: 弗朗西斯·M·科克雷尔, Roy Vickers

临时起意的谋杀 The Impromptu Murder-主演: Alfred Hitchcock

临时起意的谋杀 The Impromptu Murder-电影类型: 剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影

临时起意的谋杀 The Impromptu Murder-发布日期: 1958-06-22

  《临时起意的谋杀 The Impromptu Murder》于1958-06-22上映。是由Paul Henreid执导, 由弗朗西斯·M·科克雷尔, Roy Vickers担任主编, 演员Alfred Hitchcock主演的《临时起意的谋杀 The Impromptu Murder》是一部剧情, 悬疑类型电影。

  A woman who once accused Henry Dow of a crime enters the town and he invites her to stay with him and his sister. She tells Henry that she is carrying a large amount of money since she is planning an investment. Henry kills her for the money and dumps her body into the river. Henry then attends a dedication ceremony held on a bridge overlooking the river. When a body floats by,...



