
分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?

分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?

分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?-导演: Shaun Higton

分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?-编剧: Shaun Higton

分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?-主演: Benedicte Westbye, Espen Alknes

分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?-电影类型: 剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 短片电影

分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?-发布日期: 2014-06-02(挪威)

  《分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?》于2014-06-02(挪威)上映。是由Shaun Higton执导, 由Shaun Higton担任主编, 演员Benedicte Westbye, Espen Alknes主演的《分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?》是一部剧情, 喜剧, 短片类型电影。

  《分享生活点滴…… What's on Your Mind?》是由Shaun Higton执导,Benedicte Westbye , Espen Alknes主演的一部短剧。
  讲述了主人公为了寻求 '点赞',他竟不遗余力地在笔记本电脑上更新自己的社交网络状态。为了美化自己的形象,他决定大费周章。拍了很多形象照,并发布到社交网络,现在,一切都准备就绪。但他的生活状态正在崩溃中。一个 '赞 '真的能拯救他吗?

  In search of 'likes', an average Joe gives his all to update his social network status on his laptop. And, bent on embellishing his digital presence, he decides to go to great lengths. And now, it is perfect. However, his life is falling apart. Can a single 'like' be a lifesaver?



